„More open minded“ – Spanische Volontärin zieht Resümee nach 10 Monaten Freiraumschule

Dieses Jahr war die Spanierin Marina unsere EU Volontärin. Sie hat das LehrerInnenteam unterstützt, die Spanischkompetenzen der Kinder erweitert, mit den Kindern gesungen, getanzt, und sie hat ihr Bild davon, was Lernen ist, gehörig revidiert, wie sie im Videointerview berichtet. Hier ihr schriftliches Statement:


My name is Marina and I come from the north of Spain. Being a volunteer in the Freiraumschule is an amazing experience, both professional and personal. It completly changes your idea of education, and it never stops amazing me how the kids learn following their own rythm, and then even teach the younger ones. There is no competition, and you can really see that they are investing their time in what really interests them in each moment. I am very glad I took this opportunity, and hopefully the kids are learning from me as much as I am learning from them.